
Governing Council / Volunteering

Governing Council

Governing Council is a great opportunity to find out more about the school, review facilities and work on upgrades, welcome new families and be aware of school policies and learning priorities. We have a strong Governing Council made up of school community members who meet twice per term from 6:30-8:00pm. Dates are negotiated.

Each year at the AGM the Chairperson of Governing Council reviews the past year and extends an invitation for other families to be involved in a range of capacities.


Volunteering can occur on a range of levels. It is certainly an important element to making our school run smoothly and enhancing the learning for students. If you would like to be a regular volunteer at Loxton North School you will need to have a DCSI clearance (Police clearance paid by the Department) and complete an online training Responding to Abuse and Neglect. This is not required if you are volunteering for a one off event or volunteering only in your child’s class. Various ways you can be involved:

  • Making deserts, sweets, salads, soup for Sports day and Harvest Festival, Bingo and Soup Days in winter
  • Transporting students to events
  • Joining a committee to assist with an event or activity e.g. Harvest Festival, Grounds, Fundraising
  • Supporting class programs by working with individuals e.g. reading, cleaning, making resources. Speak with the class teachers and let them know regular days and times you can attend
  • Attending school events and assisting with any tasks

Being part of the school community is beneficial for students and most importantly yourself being involved in our community and modelling to your child.

Useful links:

Annual Report

(PDF, 881KB)

Student & CommunityGoverning Council / Volunteering