General Information

Loxton North School is situated on the outskirts of Loxton surrounded by Riverland orchards, vineyards and farming areas. Loxton North is a small country school which is accessed by the local community and families choosing to travel to the site to access services and programs. Loxton North School has a Site-Based Preschool, Occasional Care, Playgroup and Schooling R-6. The range of services on site allows for seamless transition and strong community connections to be developed and fostered.


The service provides a safe and caring learning environment where students discover and learn through play. Families are involved through regular feedback, Appsessment, (photos of students learning with links to the Early Years Framework) special days and join in with whole school events i.e. Splash Carnival, Sports Day, Outdoor Classroom Day, Footsteps Dancing and Presentation Night.

Occasional Care is a new service to families that is funded by the Federal Government from 2017. This is accessed by families across the Riverland providing care on Tuesday and Thursday’s for 2-4year olds. This service provides respite for families and is also a great transition to Preschool.

Playgroup is another great opportunity for children to socialise and families connect with others in the community. This occurs each Wednesday and is run by a parent volunteer who supports a range of activities that are on offer, connects parents with other services and fosters a love of reading.

Schooling R-6 occurs in double classrooms with 21st century learning spaces which cater for a range of learning styles. Improving learning outcomes is always on the agenda, our high quality teachers provide effective feedback, learning tasks being explicit with clear learning intentions and success criteria, students involved in developing assessment tasks and learning goals with the understanding of how to progress. Students understand the characteristics of what makes an effective learner and this is referred to throughout learning. Students build strong relationships with staff and other students which creates a great sense of belonging.

The Schools Values of Trust, Respect & Optimism are developed and promoted with all students and embedded in the schools Behaviour Code. A small school has strong community connections seeing involvement in a range of events; Mardi Gras, attending performances, camps, local excursions and sporting activities led by Loxton High School students. We are constantly striving to achieve and sustain high performance through continuous review of our improvement cycle.



Student Wellbeing Officer supports our school with a range of services and programs. This includes access to a range of support services for families, running of social and emotional programs, breakfast program, soup days in winter, special lunches, and selling of ice blocks each week in term 1 & 4 with student support.

Support Learning Services are available from Preschool to Year 6. If educators have a concern about a child’s development they will discuss this with families first and then seek an assessment and guidance from Special Educators. If you are concerned about your child’s development please discuss with teachers.

Communication – a range of communication tools are used for families to access so they are kept informed of events and news as it happens and notes being sent home. Main forms of communication are EdSmart, Facebook, school newsletter, website and Appsessment (Preschool only). Families need to complete the Media Consent form allowing students photos and names to go on these platforms which is part of the enrolment process.

Facebook enables us to share with the community exciting events as they occur, promote our services and school to prospective families. Our families enjoy seeing what is happening as they share with their friends and family. Like us on Facebook.

School Newsletter is loaded to EdSmart, Facebook and our website triweekly. Paper copies are available by request. It contains a message from the principal, information about learning areas, classes sharing their activities and learning throughout the term, community notice board and other information about events occurring at school.

Website shares information about our school, curriculum, publications, and community connections as well as links to PK Magazine and Facebook.

Useful links:

Preschool Booklet

(PDF, 1MB)

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SchoolGeneral Information