
The school is located on 2.8 hectares of land. The large open spaces and surrounds create a calming environment with many places for children to play and learning to be enhanced.

Nature Play Spaces have been developed throughout the school. Preschool, Mud Kitchen, Cubby Building area and large open scrublands. It’s so important that we encourage imagination and creativity. These areas around the school certainly enable students to use their senses, take risks and venture into the imaginary world.

Classrooms have a range of learning spaces within their rooms due to each class having a double classroom. Newly renovated classrooms have seen changes to learning spaces and students choosing learning styles for particular tasks. Also a fantastic fresh new feel which creates a great environment to learn.

Swimming Pool is located at the rear of the school and is utilised term 1 & 4 each year. When the temperature is 26 degrees or higher students bring their swimming bag to school and teachers where possible conduct a swimming lesson. It is compulsory that students wear a sun-smart rashie or t-shirt, covering their shoulders, whilst in the pool.

STEM Centre is located in the top portable building and hosts a range of equipment which is required for teaching and learning of Science, Technology English and Maths. Key areas are woodwork room, computing, construction, kitchen, fruit orchard, nursery all enabling the engineering process to occur within these key learning areas. Resources are added to each year which now sees a green screen, makey-makey, robotics, clay animation, a range of coding apps, 3D printer and lego we-do.

Library has recently been renovated and refurbished to foster a love of reading and create spaces to read, research and enjoy others company to learn together. The Library is open every morning from 8:30am, recess play and during lessons; this allows students to return and borrow books, share with others and play games in a safe inviting environment.

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