
Occasional Care & Playgroup

Occasional Care

Occasional Care provides families with access to sessional child care, targeting children not accessing other early childhood education and care programs. This enables parents/carers to participate in a range of activities (including non-working and casual work commitments) knowing that their child is being cared by an early childhood educator.  The program is developed, monitored and reviewed as a play-based program that is in keeping with the Early Years Learning Framework.  The use of indoor and outdoor learning environments, equipment and resources, creates a stimulating environment for imaginative play for children.

Occasional Care is for 2-4 year olds, sessions are on Tuesday and Thursdays, 8:45-11:45am during term time. Families can make 2 fixed bookings per term, for other bookings call up on the Monday of that week to book in. All children need to enrol, please complete form and bring in to office.

FEES are $5.00 per session, $1.50 for concession and second child is half price. Payment by cash or EFTPOS prior to attending session.


Playgroup is held every Wednesday morning from 9:00am until 11:00am at the preschool.  Playgroup is a great opportunity for younger children and parents to socialize within the community at the school and to become familiar with the school environment. Playgroup is a gold coin donation, please bring along a piece of fruit, water bottle and a hat for your child. If you would like further information please contact the school on (08) 8584 1369

PreschoolOccasional Care & Playgroup